Pablo Knopoff

Pablo Knopoff has a degree in International Studies from the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, he has taken a postgraduate course on Political Marketing at the Universidad del Salvador and another one on Statistics at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO).

He has coordinated, within the country and abroad, a considerable number of political campaigns. He focuses on the development of campaign strategies, on the generation of innovative tools and on the combination of diverse techniques for the analysis of public opinion surveys.

For several years, he has been Head of Chair and Professor of two academic subjects, namely, Analysis of Public Opinion and Advertising and Publicity at the Universidad del Salvador. At present, he is in charge of the chair of Public Opinion and Media in the Master of Political Marketing of the same university along with other courses in diverse educational institutions across the interior of the country.

Mr. Pablo Knopoff is a founding partner of Isonomía Consultores who presently serves as the Director in charge of the Integral Strategic Political Consulting Department.